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Deviant Syndrome

coding, multimedia, gamedev, engineering

Three Random Facts

Unrelated to anything, but I just wanted to share three random encounters with some seriously weird stuff.

  1. XCode, by default, if you’re running your code it will pause the execution every time it stumbles upon a failing assertion. Annoying as hell. The fix for that is somewhat brutal.
    • Open the “Breakpoint Navigator” by clicking on the icon that looks like a right-angle or arrow in the left pane of the Xcode window.
    • In the bottom left of the “Breakpoint Navigator”, click on the ‘+’ sign, then select “Exception Breakpoint…”
    • A new window will open. Choose “All” for “Exception”
    • Check “Automatically continue after evaluating actions”! That’s it
  2. Ever trying to reset some MacOS application settings. Like, there configuration files are nowhere to be found. It’s all because of Objective-C NSUserDefaults. They are supposed to be stored in ~/Library/Preferences/ folder. However, only executing the following made the settings reset for good:
    defaults delete com.codeplex.pcsxr

    com.codeplex.pcsxr is just an example, but all the other application namespaces are similar.

  3. In SLADE you have to add the scripts manually to the WAD archive, otherwise they won’t be executed. To make this work with UDMF, you have to add the scripts LUMP before the ENDMAP marker. Also, you need recomplile it manually if changed.