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Deviant Syndrome

coding, multimedia, gamedev, engineering

Cursed FM Synth

As it was not cursed enough already


You all know DEXED, an awesome Yamaha DX7 librarian. Seems like I stumbled upon an undocumented feature. When you use it to load a DX7 cart dump, it allows you to select any file on your system. So, why not pick a file, that has nothing to do with DX or even music whatsoever? This way it fills all the registers of a virtual Yamaha with rubbish. And it sounds wild, folks, absolutely untamed.

Listening back to this, I was kinda imagining those big heads like B. Eno or T. Reznor who have somehow found a way, to do the same with a real physical DX7 keyvoard. Was it really a dedicated programmator, or were they just sending digital noise in form of SYSEX messages?

Probably the former, no matter what my corrupted imagkintation tells me.

Download SYX

Cursed DX7 Cart